Our Girls
Personal & Co-Owns

Wilogate Celtic Wind at Javahill ROM JHU WCI
Roo has retired from our breeding program. She is our foundation girl and the matriarch of our family. Roo made us fall in love with Tollers, and the rest is history. Roo earned her ROM, an award for distinguished sires an dams that produce outstanding offspring.
AKC GCH NSDTRC-USA CH RedMoon When Life Gives U Lemons Make Limoncello CD RN MH WCX CGCA TKI
Lemon is from our first litter. She is owned & trained by Rob Schell & Shelly Meron.
Lemon is one of three female Tollers to ever become a Grand Champion and a Master Hunter.
Lemon won an Award of Merit at the 2022 Toller National Specialty, as well as the Best Hunting Retriever award. In 2021, Lemon was Reserve Winners Bitch at the Toller National Specialty. She is a phenomenal working dog and exudes Toller type.

BPIG NSDTRC-US CH US Ch Redmoon's She's A Real Lightsaber RN CD SH SHU WC
Saber is not a co-own, she lives with us!
Saber passed her first hunt test at 17 weeks of age.
Saber is goofy, highly biddable, and she has a great off switch. Saber recently finished her Senior Hunter title and CD title.